8:15 PM


The love/hate relationship between Sushi the puppy and Bozlee the king cat continues in a photo story board...

Sushi edges closer, looking ever so innocent. "Honestly, I'm just enjoying the sun, like yourself."

The challenger (Sushi) for the title of king: "I'm bigger than you... and I run this house" The Champion: "Wanna bet, you little swine?!"

The champion puts the smack-down on the challenger:
He didn't really - but it makes for good journalism (the real story - Sushi was freaking out trying to get Boz to play) Sushi looks like ALF in this picture

After mom intervenes, "I wasn't bugging Bozlee, honest!" (Evidence proves otherwise when you look at what she's holding.)


nimblejacks said...

Ahh ha ha usually the cat's the winner aren't they? It comes down to paw and claw power in our house. One fat lazy cat irritating small lithe sprightly cat who wants to play!!! meowww emphasis on the ow

Anonymous said...

Crack me up!! Cattitude - can't beat it. ;> But, the look on the pup's face is pretty priceless.