9:25 PM

Feeling Renewed

Etsy is so full of ingenious artists - I'm always amazed at the ability of the Etsians to "upcycle" items that most just give up on. Each of these items contains something that has been recycled. Take a gander:

1spinsterknits: upcycled girl's 6 to 9 month party dress for $50.00:

lunaclaydesign: filigree vintage rhinestone ring for $49.00:

RadicalRecycks: green bean bag for $13.00 (can you believe the price on this sweet find?! So affordable!):

FeltSewGood: brown Willow Felted Wool Handbag for $42.00

sosorosey: rag topped bowlee Earth and Sky for a mere $5.00:

tarahogan: Animal A-Z poster for $60.00:


Anonymous said...

Wow! What a treat to find my bowl featured here! You have some wonderful choices, and I am honored to have one of my items among them. Thank you :)

Cheryl Patterson said...

Thank you so much for including my handbag in your wonderful list of upcycled goodies! Great choices from some very creative Etsy artisans.


The upcycled little girl's dress is adorable!

You have a delightful blog - Teresa